Monday, January 18, 2010

Have you seen the movie, “The Blind Side”?

It’s based on a true story, and it’s a sports story, both of which make it appealing to me. But the message of the movie is the importance of identifying and protecting your family—covering the blind side.

We all have blind sides. Maybe I’m so focused on one aspect of my life that I can’t see where I’m slipping. Perhaps it’s a sin that is so habitual that I can’t see the effects of this sin on my life or the lives of those I love. Could it be that I am so flattered or enamored by someone’s words or actions that I don’t notice the obvious pitfalls looming in the path I am choosing?

I need my blind side covered—and so do you. I must be diligent to cover the blind sides of those with whom I have relationship—whether that allegiance is deserved or not.

After that great ark-builder, Noah, got his feet on the terra firma, he planted a vineyard. Next step—wine. Noah must have sampled a lot of product. Ham, Noah’s middle son, discovered his drunk, naked father in the tent.

Instead of covering Noah’s blind side, he did what we are all too eager to do—he left his father “as is” and gave his brothers some spicy information they might not have known about their father. He exposed his father’s blind side. Ham’s two brothers quickly and carefully covered their father and by doing so received the blessing that Ham could have had.

I don’t think about the blessing I am forfeiting when I fail to cover someone’s blind side. I’m usually more focused on the way it feels to be the one “in the know”—the bearer of tasty morsels of information.

In the Present Moment, whose blind side are you covering? Have you built the relationships that will provide covering for your blind side?

We are believing that God is using HOPE in to provide tools and relationships to cover our blind sides. Please feel free to participate in any one of our workshops in 2010

1 comment:

  1. It is so good to feel safe and to know that you have friends who will protect you when you are vulnerable. That is the type of friend I, too, want to be.
