Thursday, October 22, 2009

So, You Really Just Want Me To Pray?

I can’t believe what my friend—actually more of an acquaintance—just shared with me. She poured out her heart. She trusted me. My heart broke with pain for her. I can’t imagine going through what she’s experienced.

But in my mind, I know what I would do now! Is this just my thinking, or could it be something from God for her? Should I tell her? Is this the right time? Am I the right person? What should I do?

Suddenly, what comes to my mind is just pray for her—nothing more. Does that mean here, now? In this specific situation, no! Sometimes God gives insight or discernment in order for me to be a knowledgeable intercessor. I must be as available to God for unseen intercession as I am for the visible input of truth.

On the other hand, I shouldn’t assume that I am not to speak into her life if she opens the door. I must be Spirit led. I must allow myself to be a healing vessel if He so chooses, but I must also remember—God is the Healer. I want to fear God too much to irreverently tamper with His dealings in another’s life. (From Hurt to HOPE, p. 111)

Are there people in your life who have shared deep hurt, pain, disappointments, desires, hopes, dreams? What have you done with that? Have you marched right into this sacred place of trust with ideas of your own—fixing? Or, have you waited, listened, prayed, felt God’s heart for the people, who have been willing to be so vulnerable—to honestly pour out their hearts? Proverbs 18:13 says that it is foolish and shameful to answer before we have listened.

What are you willing to hear—without analyzing, judging, condemnation, or fixing? Can you be trusted with emotional honesty? Are you a safe person?

Lord, I am so sad for what happened in my friend’s life. I am honored that she was willing to share her heart with me. Thank You for helping me to just listen. Please help me know how to even pray for her. Extend Your mercy, grace, peace, and healing to her today. Let her know that You care about everything that concerns her. Please continue to give me Your compassion for her.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen


  1. That was a great post and a great reminder! It is never all about us and the Lord has His own way and time of healing others. We should be quick to listen and slow to speak!

  2. Your friend is very fortunate and very blessed by God to have you in her life!
