Thursday, October 8, 2009

Words of Hope

The rest of the family stayed in Israel. But, Elimelech was hungry and saw hope outside of Israel. He packed up his wife, Naomi, and their two sons and high-tailed it to Moab. Moab must be his own “promised land.” He could provide for his family there. It was so good in Moab, they just stayed. The landscape, the food, the customs quickly became familiar and comfortable. After years of the "good life" in Moab, Elimelech died, leaving his wife and sons without the support of extended family. The sons married Moabite women—those with whom they were now comfortable—and cared for their mother. Sadly, the sons died - overwhelming aloneness for Naomi. She got word of the Lord’s provision in Israel and determined to return to Judah - she longed for the comfort of family and old friends.

Surprisingly there was a companion for the journey. Loyal, loving, daughter-in-law Ruth walked away from her own comfort zone, and went the distance with Naomi.

When the home town folks greeted her, Naomi told the people of Bethlehem to call her Mara—bitter. God had testified against her and had afflicted her.(Ruth 1:21). Perhaps she was convicted about going to Moab. None of those other Bethlehem people had gone, and they had survived. And, she had stayed so long. It had been easier to stay—live with the choice—than come back. And the sons had married non-Jewish women, women who worshipped other gods. Wrong choice after wrong choice, and now she was alone. If only they hadn’t gone to Moab. If only they hadn’t stayed so long. If only her sons had married Jewish women. If only . . . If only.

But God never ceases to astound - to amaze. God’s redemption came through Ruth—one of the seemingly wrong choices. It was not too late for Naomi - once again she had family and provision. Redemption had come through Ruth and Boaz, then Obed, then Jesse, then David the King—and then the King of Kings.

It’s never too late for God’s redemption. His redemption is for every “if only” in your life.

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